
Monday, April 22, 2013

Wake up gentlemen! It's 3:00 a.m. in the morning! [Remember the Titans]

Hello all!  It has been another great week of talking to people and contacting nonmembers and members! Oh the wonderful world of missionary work!

We found two new investigators this week. An. is a potential that we couldn't contact until this week because she's been out of town.  She accepted an invitation to baptism without blinking an eye! Her daughter C. is absolutely adorable and loves us. We have a return appointment with them next Monday. Am. is the other investigator we found. We found her 2-2-5ving and she is awesome. She has a strong belief in agency and accountability. We taught Am. two lessons this week and have a return appointment this Wednesday. I'm way excited to meet with her again.

This bombing last week has caused a lot of people to ponder, with the result being that they either draw closer to God or push Him away. People have definitely been a bit more somber!

Exchanges were this week and I got to serve with Sister M. in the Highland Heights ward. I love being able to see the enthusiasm that other missionaries have for the work! It refreshes my own enthusiasm and boldness..... they get dulled down every now and then!

The weather is great out here. One day it's in the high 80's, and the next day it's below 40. It always looks deceptively warm outside, though. Everything is getting green, which is nice!

Next Wednesday (April 30) will be packing day, and on Thursday (May 1) I begin traveling around the mission to do "floater training" -- so this is my last real p-day! I still have not figured out my mail situation; I'm guessing the mission home will just hold my mail for me for the next four weeks, and I can pick it up whenever I pass through. You are all allowed to email me now, too, since the Church's policy recently changed.  You can contact my parents to get my email address.  I will be arriving home on May 30th.

P.S. Sorry, there are no pictures! I left my camera at the apartment on accident!!! :)

1 comment:

  1. Hi!
    Sister Bham's family, if you are reading this, I would love to get her email address from you. (This is Kelsey, one of her old roommates.) You can email me at

